Monday, July 7, 2014

What Makes Happy People Different?

Maia McCann, commenting in Distractify, puts together 35 traits that make happy people different from the rest of the world. Contributors are acknowledged at the end of each point.

She asks what we might cherish and what we might regret as we take stock of our lives.  One characteristic of happy people is that they realize "Getting even doesn't get you ahead in life"(Marc Chernoff) ; another is "They pay attention to how people treat their parents" as a good predictor of how they will be in a marriage. Also "the way they treat a waiter (or any service person) shows you their character."(Dr. Karen L. Smithson)

And  "They're authentic, and they listen to their 'small, still voice'.  Your intuition is your superpower." Next, they enjoy "being in the moment. You will have to focus on the future so much as you get older--being mindful to the moment is a lost gift."(Dr. Karen L. Smithson)  Also,  "They're excited about other people's success"(

Other characteristics of happy people  include "They're always, always, always honest"  (yannis_volta); "They ask questions"(nik3daz); They give their parents a chance" (igotnothineither); "They know they aren't the smartest person in the room"(

For the complete list of 35 traits and the great examples within each, click on

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