Friday, November 6, 2009

We're Back! Thank you, Todd Benedict.

Have you noticed a few days of no blog activity ?  The computer was running very slowly (I was irritated, but I tolerated that.), but on Sunday, our video call to our granddaughter was garbled, with the camera coming on and then shutting off.  Now, that's really too much.  No one should come between a grandma and her grandkids, right?

Good follower that I am, I contacted my server rep(little success).  I contacted my local phone line(new upgraded line installed-a good thing, but no help for the probems).

I was forced to admit that a much bigger 'something' was not right about my laptop and called a local certified tech magician otherwise known as Todd Benedict.  He has all of those great letters following his name, but techno dummy that I am, I have no idea what they mean-I only know they are impressive certificates to have

His analysis was translated into non-techno terms:  Something akin to having a 17-lane stream of unwanted, bumper-to-bumper trucks  was moving slowly through my computer system.  That I can picture, and I did not like it! 

He cleaned, deleted, and upgraded everything so that all runs perfectly now.  And is it fast! My laptop's motherboard is smiling as I enter this posting.  I'm only sorry I waited so long before going local for help.

If you are in our area and need to give your computer a jolt of reinvigorating action or a metaphorical kick in the rear,  contact him at  He can also be reached at 814-734-5317.

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